The Stalker Vision Interview with DaBeautifulKey

New music from DaBeautifulKey that we had to interview.

Why did you select this song as your current single?

I chose this song as my current single, because it’s basically an introduction to my music and what type of artist I am!

How does this single relate to the rest of the Album, EP or Mix-tape?

This Song is released as a single but relates to the Ep, “Twenties” because it’s situations that we may all come across in our 20’s and this is how I am dealing with life! I just want it to be a soundtrack of jamming experiences. The Ep will be a compilation of all singles released in an upcoming couple of years.

What was the writing process for the song?

The writing process was one of those moments where my producer, Chris Jordan, barely had 25 seconds of the track and I wrote to the song less than ten minutes. He extended the beat to fit all my lyrics and we recorded within twenty minutes that night. Stalker Visions is about you guessed it, a stalker! You know when you’ve had someone you just didn’t want to deal with anymore and they just won’t go away? Yeah that’s inspiration from an experience I’m sure everyone has witnessed!

What does this song’s lyric mean to you?

The Lyrics mean to me something personal. I was in a domestic violence situation and the guy kept stalking me afterwards and I eventually had to get a restraining order.  These lyrics are powerful versus sulky and I remind myself Im a star in every obstacle I may come across and I hope it transforms energy and motivation to others.

What would it be like to see you in person performing this song?

I actually have the performance of Stalker Visions Premiering on YouTube on March 22nd @midnight! I am very energetic on stage! I transform energy into being in tune with the moment and giving the audience all of me!

Could your fans summarize who you are as an artist by this song?

Yes, I would say so! As an artist that has deep meaning behind her music besides the way she dresses it up and makes it sexy, there is always a story behind every song. And the energy will always be powerful!

Is there a video planned and or completed and if so, what was the idea behind the video?

Yes, The Video Will be released on April Fool’s Day! On YouTube and it was shot by Tk Films! The idea behind video was just a personal space for me to talk to my fans and show why I had a Stalker in the first place!

One last question, what is your motivation behind your music?

The motivation behind my music is a lot like others, to be able to express what I am going through and not allow myself to trapped in any situation because I can overcome anything and what better way to express emotions than creatively?



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