
Firing on all cylinders, talented King Sayee is back with a brand new single off of the EP “Elevation.” This song is just a taste of the potential that I hear in the records off the song. This talent will be on their way very soon, just a few good decisions away. Check out this interview we had the honor to do with King Sayee about the single.
Why did you select this song as your current single?
I selected the song: saucin’ to be the single because every time I listen to it, I get this specific elevated feeling that cannot be duplicated. The sound, the feeling, and the essence has all of the elements of being at a self-confident status that will not be taken away. I also let a select group of individuals I trusted come to a private listening session for authentic feedback. And the majority chose.
How does this single relate to the rest of the Album, EP or Mix-tape?
Saucin’ takes the EP to another level because it is filled with events that have come to past and has a very catchy chorus and reference new slang that are bound to resonate with listeners. Saucin’ keeps the Elevation concept with the mentioning of higher thinking, and a never-ending life that the whole EP makes several references of throughout it entirety.
What was the writing process for the song?
The hook is actually a freestyle surprising. My writing processes are always different, I don’t have a system of writing song. You may get a time where I write the hook and then I do the verses then sauce it out vice versa. I always like to be in an environment where I can create freely of course. I think this song was made around 4am if I remember correctly; the best songs always come at those late hours. It was one of those songs that after I made it, I couldn’t stop thinking about how several songs like this will take my career to the next level. This will be a whole new tier of music production.
What does this songs lyric mean to you?
The song lyrics mean everything to me. When I’m writing songs I make sure I place things there that I would want to hear an artist say and things that I wouldn’t expect a regular artist to say too. I say a part in the song saying “wait don’t they that we in he last days, no Saylee never end I don’t past babe, everyone wanna add to there own days” in those few bars a lot is said. I wasn’t always as esoteric with my word play but I have developed and expanded my mind capacity about certain concepts. Even going beyond those concepts. To answer your question though, they mean ELEVATION
What would it be like to see you in person performing this song?
WOW!! Performing this song would be intense. It would also be an elevating experience too. This song is full of energy and has plenty of parts were the crowd would be beautifully in sync. I envision the crowd and I dancing to the beat like mad men and women lol. Everyone creating their own dance moves being themselves not caring who’s looking. I may even stop rapping just to enjoy the beat and lyrics to the song on certain parts.
Could your fans summarize who you are as an artist by this song?
NO, I don’t think one song or even a whole EP or album could summarize who I am as an artist because its really never ending I feel. You would have to follow along to keep up with who I am as an artist. There are so many new developments for me as a person and artist that it can’t really be measured by one or several projects, and that may be a hurtful thing but I can only be honest about that question.
Is there a video planned and or completed and if so, what was the idea behind the video?
There is a video currently in the works right now. I always want to bring a visual to match what the song says. I’m a huge visionary so I feel every time I listen to the song I create a video for it so when o get back to Atlanta from LA that will be the next to come along with other things.
One last question, what is your motivation behind your music?
The motivation behind my music is the way it makes me feel when I can put together a song that makes my heart throb. Its about the Elevating energies within me you know. It also feels good when you have a fan say they needed a certain song you made because of something they might have been going through at that time. So to sum it up, the motivation comes from the feeling of the creation process all the way to the recipients feeling. Truthfully, even before the thought then to the product, motivation and elevation is already present. So motivation is actually behind the music for real. The expression is what you hear ….. Its ELEVATION BABY!!!!!

Social Media:
Twitter: @KingSaylee
Facebook: King Saylee

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