The Nick Valentini Collective is a critically acclaimed eight-piece, fusion musical collective born in Los Angeles, California. Blending art rock and experimental psychedelic soul; the band has received critical acclaim from many high profile media outlets.
The collective consists of Nick Valentini (singer, keyboard), Erik Shibowski (bass), Hugo Shibowski (tenor sax), Nate Schwartz (guitar), Nicolo Scolieri (flute), Nick Velez (drums), Gabriel Wheaton (string orchestration) and Tyler Wennstrom (keyboard/percussion). The group formed a little over six months ago and have quickly made a name for themselves in the Southern California music scene attracting large audiences to their dynamic live shows.
Their debut album is set for release in late fall 2016 and showcases Valentini’s deliberate melodies, strong hooks and unique musical arrangements. On the single “Carousel” Valentini’s soulful vocals are layered over smooth piano riffs and experimental clashing guitars for a truly captivating sound. “Worms” highlights the collective’s signature cinematic sound with lush piano, deep bass and soaring vocals.
Lead songwriter Nick Valentini takes influence from the freedom of expression and creativity that has become prevalent in today’s sociopolitical system. “The upcoming album is inspired by the beauty of experimentation and the eagerness to explore endless possibilities through voice and music. There is opportunity to grow as people and individuals by simply trying new things” – states Valentini.
The Nick Valentini Collective are set to announce their debut album in the coming months and will be touring extensively this fall.