Music News: Rap vs. North Korea – World News

Pacman and PesoWith all the controversy surrounding North Korea right now. From the killing of Kim’s uncle, the jailed American and the Dennis Rodman outburst on CNN we thought that was it. Well not really, seeing that North Korea is the center of attention 2 DC rappers wrote a song about escaping from North Korea. According to Huffington Post, “The young rappers hail from Washington D.C. and received the money for the trip through a Kickstarter campaign in September, which was mostly funded by a “41-year-old hedge fund manager” who donated $5,100 to the campaign.”
The trip to North Korea was extra difficult because the US government issued a special warning to American tourists entering the country.  The two rappers Pacman and Peso entered the country being “able to stay mostly under the radar and keep up the charade of being on a “sightseeing tour.” They had to turn down interviews ahead of their trip, including one with  the BBC, to make sure North Korean officials didn’t hear of their true plans, but in the end they got out of the country tapes in hand” according to Huffington Post.
Well this week the video and the song all came out and the song is actually not bad.

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