Music: My Way by Kisharra B – Youngstown, OH

Kisharra BFrom the beginning music has been a part of who she is. Kisharra B combines a mix of genres of Pop/Rock/R&B. This Ohio native recording artist, songwriter, and model never stops giving her audience the sexy appeal their looking for. The musical story behind this Ohio native’s story has just begun, but sure to be filled with a track record of history making accomplishments. Kisharra B has been blessed to work with a very talented team that truly understands her direction and expression! From the moment you press play on the New Hit Single “Covergirl”, songwriter Kisharra B along with song producer J-Austin nailed the essence of Kisharra’s confidence while she makes a declarative statement of power on the album’s title track.
Kisharra B is not back with a brand new song called “My Way”.  Kisharra my have out don’t herself on this track as it is a big step forward from her last release we had on the site. That previous record was a hit! This record will out do the other no doubt with the correct promotion. Check out this great interview we did with Kisharra B. Be on the look out for more from this young talent. Almost forgot her ballad, “Not Afraid” which is a great record. Good stuff Kisharra these may those records that you are looking for.
Why did you select this song as your current single?
We actually posted both songs on FB and was decided by the fans to release both singles “My Way” and “Not Afraid”
How does this single relate to the rest of the Album, EP or Mix-tape?
It relates because “My Way” gives you that vibe to want to dance and “Not Afraid” is a ballad that slows things down and both of them together gives you a taste of what to expect and wanting more of what I call “Feel Good Music”
What was the writing process for the song?
I like to vibe to the track awhile and then writing
What does this song’s lyric mean to you?
The lyrics mean that I’m human and I have different emotions and have been through things as well.
What would it be like to see you in person performing this song?
You would be very excited, addicted and hypnotized and drawn into me feeling exactly what I feel. I put my heart on the stage!
Could your fans summarize who you are as an artist by this song?
I wouldn’t say summarize but kind of get a feel for who I am
Is there a video planned and or completed and if so, what was the idea behind the video?
Yes there is a video in the future…..there really isn’t an idea yet.
One last question, what is your motivation behind your music?
My motivation behind my music is my life past….present and future!

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