Music: Music Price Wars are Coming

Beats_Music_Logo-550x536Music fans have never had it this good. The amount of opportunity to explore new music has never been better. With services like Pandora and Spotify out in the lead to provide this great catalogue to fans other competitors are rising. Services lead by Apple and Beat Music will add competition and thus causing a price war. Which we all know ends up working out for the consumer.
According to Yahoo music Spotify on Monday announced that it will soon launch a new program called Spotify Family that will let you add up to four different Premium user accounts to your own Spotify account at a 50% discount from the normal monthly price. So for example, if you’re already a Spotify subscriber and your spouse wants to sign up, you can add them to your plan for just $5 extra per month instead of the $10 per month they they’d pay for their own account.
This works out well for family with more than one Spotify listener in the family. It’s like the cell phone plans.
Re/code reports that Apple “has been pushing the labels for more extensive price cuts” and that “it wants to relaunch the Beats Music subscription service it bought last spring next year, and industry scuttlebutt is that it’s trying to get the price cut in half, to $5 a month.” With the music business hang to dare life Apple will be able to leverage this and get the record labels to accept this deal. Check out the article Music News: Startling Proof That the Music Industry Is Doomed

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