Music: I Want you by Kasha – NYC

GIFlogoColorSmall (1)Singer Kasha Gets Nomination for 2014 International Music Entertainment Association (IMEA) Awards Singer and songwriter, Kasha has been nominated for 2014 International Music Entertainment Association (IMEA) Awards in two different categories, after the success of her ‘Hero’ and ‘I Want You’, her two chart-buster soundtracks. Check out one of those nominated songs and find out the process of creating a hit.

Why did you select this song as your current single?

Music professionals listened to my single and gave me very positive feedback. The complement was very motivating.

What was the writing process for this song?

It relates to my album, by creating unique music of the minds.

What would it be like to see you in person performing this song? 

Very simple, I heard the music, I loved the vibe, and I felt deep in my soul, had a vision, which I brought to light in 15minutes.

What does the song’s lyrics mean to you?

The song lyrics was a vision, I put together and turned it into a song; something that people could relate to.

What would it be like to see you in person performing this song? 

It would be a very entertaining and outstanding moment that you won’t forget.

Could your fans summarize who you are as an artist by this song? 


Is there a video planned and or completed and if so, what was the idea behind the video? 

The video is completed, the directors of this music video made put together the story, via video treatment. It was a great match.

One last question, what is your motivation behind your music? 

My music can be a powerful message that may have helped and motivated someone, who may have needed to hear that particular message at that moment. I aim to catch your attention.

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