Music: I Can't Wait by Roger "RO" Ortega – Hoboken, NJ

Roger RO Ortega
Roger "RO" Ortega

Why did you select this song as your current single?  
I felt people could relate to “I Can’t Wait”.  Deep down we’re all impatient.  Well maybe not so deep down lol.  We’ve all had plans, with the end game in the back of our minds, and then at that particularly crucial moment decide to skip dinner and go straight to dessert!
How this single relates to the rest of the Album and or Mixtape?
The original concept for the album was a feel good R&B/Pop album with a little bit of sexiness and some heartstring tugging ballads.  Fortunately, this is what I feel I delivered and I believe this song, though only one of fourteen was a good representation of what was to come.
What was the writing process for the song?
This was one of the few songs that I actually co-wrote with someone.  The majority of the album was written by me, solely.  It’s always a different process when you’re collaborating.  The song wasn’t originally for me so I was a little more passive when it came to changing certain lyrics.  In the end, I did write most of the song.  I wrote in in the car on the way to the studio.  I think I had 80 percent of the song written in the 45 min car ride from Hoboken, NJ to Brooklyn, NY.  I always become a character when I’m writing a song.  I put myself in the shoes of either the person singing the song or the person being sung to.  However I always have my 3rd ear on and listen to it from a fans perspective.
What it would be like to see you in person performing this song?  
RO live is quite an experience as I really do my best to engage the audience.  I don’t just go up, stand and sing my songs.  I go up and entertain!  I have choreography, dancers, crowd participation and everything you would expect from a show.  I’m there to entertain you for the few minutes I’ve got your attention and that’s what I do!  Every show to me is like I’m performing at Madison Square Garden, no matter how big or small the venue is.
If there is a video for the song, please explain the concept?  
The concept of the video actually follows the lyrics of the song pretty well.  The girl’s getting ready to go out, she’s putting her make-up on, has her dress laid out on the bed and well, she’s in lingerie of course.  Don’t all girls get ready that way?  The opening shots of me are driving to come get her in what else? A Bentley lol.  I send her a text that says ‘let’s cancel our plans’.  I get the idea she knows exactly what that means.  So, I get to her building but I’m so impatient and anxious to get to her (and when you see her, you’ll know why), that I can’t even wait for the elevator.  So I take the stairs.  Not sure how many flights, but filming it and running up those flights like 10 times felt like she lived on the 60th floor.  In all actuality the apartment was on the 2nd floor!  Anyway, I get to her and well, sexiness ensues.

Upcoming Shows:
I have a few shows lined up beginning with July 26th in NJ and then heading towards MO & KS.  This fall we’re working to hit the rest of the U.S. along with Canada.

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