Music: Get the Fuck Out of Here by Tequila for Breakfast

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Why did you select this song as your current single?
We selected “Get the fuck out of here” as single for our EP because it represents us a lot. It’s an aggressive song, dedicated to everyone who tries to kill your dreams, especially when you live in a little town like ours.
How does this single relate to the rest of the Album, EP or Mix-tape?
It’s a sort of summary of all the other songs in the EP. You can find songs which talk about having fun and songs which speak about life and death. We do think about serious themes too because it’s just something you have to do at the end of the day but if there is a thing we learnt is that some people will judge you anyway so the only thing we can do is to continue our career always having in mind the meaning of this song.
What was the writing process for the song?
The song was written by our lead guitarist Alessandro Ciloni and we all got into the track very quickly. We knew it was something different from the other songs, it was pure adrenaline and we liked the feeling of playing it from the first time. Also the vocals are something different since you can hear the lead vocals made by Giacomo Traquandi and then a very strong backing vocals made by Alessandro which is more like a second lead vocals. We really wanted to write a song which was a little “outside the box” and we actually think we did it right.
What does this song’s lyric mean to you?
It means that there is a limit to what some people need to tell you, it just comes a day when you stop caring about them and the only answer you have is “Get the fuck out of here”. We do know that we’re dreamers and that we’re fool sometimes, but being like this made us reach some important goals as musicians and it made us happy and proud. Being dreamers certainly gives more than being ordinary people who talk all day about the others without achieving anything. So who wins?
What would it be like to see you in person performing this song?
“Get the fuck out of here” is one of that songs that gives more live than in the recorded version and we always love to play it in front of our crowd. It’s usually the last song of our setlist following the tradition of “save the best for last” or better “save the bomb for last” because you feel that the explosion is near from the first moment when the guitar starts with the powerful riff and drums and bass make you think that the Third World War is about to start. All the energy of the instruments just make the lyrics’ meaning even more strong and people start to sing with us and they start to shake their heads. It’s really something amazing to watch from the stage.
Could your fans summarize who you are as an artist by this song?
Absolutely yes. Of course it’s easier for our fans who live here to figure out why this song represents us so well, but it’s possible even for people who don’t know the story behind since the message is quite unmistakable.
Is there a video planned and or completed and if so, what was the idea behind the video?
Actually we’re planning a video for this song. Even if we don’t have concrete ideas yet we wanted to emphasize once again the message of the song. We do believe that sometimes images can say more than words but if you mix strong images, heavy music and meaningful words the result is an A-bomb. We can’t wait to complete this project and to share it with everyone out there.
One last question, what is your motivation behind your music?
We have always been sure that we wanted more than just live our little lives in a little town and we have been lucky enough to meet. It’s not simple at all to put together four musicians with the same ambitions and the same ideas in a place where rock music is not promoted enough and emerging bands have to fight to get paid gigs. But we did it, we’ve been strong enough to build our armour and to let our dream grow inside it and we’re still here after all the difficult situations we had to face. We’re still presumptuous enough to believe that if you work hard your dream come true. We’re still naïve enough to think that we can say something that might inspire somebody else. We’re still convinced that we can be one of that bands that can write a song which lasts forever.

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