Music: Be There For Me by Mariam

Mariam is a singer/songwriter and self taught guitarist hailing from South London. Described as ‘atmospheric soul’, her music is the perfect blend of soul, folk and pop with thought provoking lyrics.
Mariam has always had a strong passion for words, writing poetry and creative pieces at a young age. She was quick to understand that she had a natural gift to combine rhythmic melodies with meaningful words, an ability she credits to her Nigerian heritage. She adds “Nigerians are natural story tellers, it is an art that is passed down and learned within the family and community, hearing stories has been a prominent fixture in my life just as strong as music. Music is such a powerful way to tell stories and relate to others, and I love how words come together to paint pictures”.
In 2011, Mariam decided it was finally time to share her music with the world and introduce herself as a singer/songwriter. She got well acquainted with the underground scene and started playing open mic nights.  These experiences turned into opportunities and Mariam joined the ‘London Community Gospel Choir’ (who has supported artist such as Tom Jones, Sam Smith and more) and started working on original material with local artists (including British artist Samm Henshaw).
The soulful singer/songwriter is now proud and ready to share her debut single “Be There For Me”. She explains “This song is about unrequited love, it speaks about that moment you realise you can’t make anyone love you or reciprocate affection.” Be There For Me is the first track taken from her EP “Heart To Heart” which is set to be released on Friday 4th November.

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