Model: TereZa Hakobyan – Manhattan, NY

TereZa Hakobyan - iMoveiLive Online Music Magazine 1So, TereZa give us a little background about you.
Hi, i’m TereZa Hakobyan, originally from Armenia. I now live, work and create in Manhattan. First, I got involved with acting ( a couple of years ago after graduating from Philadelphia University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business. I have been in love with the entertainment business ever since. Modeling is one of the perks I get from being in the entertainment business. I mean how much fun is that to represent a product or a company with a simple smile, without having to memorize lines:)
I also own my band TereZ & Velvet Tornado, a 5 female alternative pop-rock band ( and we constantly have band shoots, music video shoots, etc and I need modeling skills to represent my band’s image.
Wow TereZa, you seem to be doing a lot, so how did you get into modeling?
1. It’s a job requirement for my acting and singing careers
2. It’s one of the funnest things to do

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Lol I did not know that, so what do you feel makes a woman beautiful and what are your best qualities?

Women are the prettiest creatures on the planet no question about it. Even peacocks are probably jealous, haha.
From a vein prospective what makes women beautiful are: lean and beautiful legs, flat stomach, some nice curves, a great sense of style, great hair, white teeth, feminine demeanor, great smell, elegant smile, I can go on and on…
But what really makes women beautiful are: being graceful, strong, powerful, intelligent, honest and clean, being a hard working go getter, being sensitive, respectful, having integrity & loyalty and being trustworthy.
My best qualities from interviewing my friends and family are (I do that a lot – ask the closest people in my life what my strength and weaknesses are):  My passion, hard working nature, loyalty, intelligence, openness, very strong communication skills, very aggressive desire to achieve success, the willingness to constantly learn & improve, being coachable, adaptable and learning fast, being courageous, having a good heart and great energy.
Do you feel these qualities will help you reach your ultimate goal in modeling?
TereZa Hakobyan Print - iMoveiLive Online Music MagazineWhat is your ultimate goal?
My ultimate goal in this life is to be an amazing mother, wife, daughter and a businesswoman.
As you know, not all of us will reach our goal, what if you don’t make it? How will that affect  you?
There is no place and time for failure in my life….No reason why I can’t reach my goals and desired success. I’m not committed to the “reasons” why things might not happen, I’m committed to my goals and results!!! When you stay positive during the good and bad times, when you are committed to your results, when you have integrity, when you plan your life and live your plan, you have a chance to live a life you love, period!!!
What are some of the ups and downs you have seen so far?
Here are specific examples of some ups: booking print ad jobs for companies, writing and producing my songs for TereZ & Velvet Tornado, having people believe in me and support me both financially and emotionally, being on stage and rocking it out with my 4 beautiful and talented female band mates, being on set for a film, walking the red carpet during the premier of “Six Degrees of Hell”, list goes on and on….
Here are specific examples of some downs: After my producer and I recorded and produced my first 5 songs, and were ready to send the songs to be mastered, all the files got erased from the hard drive and we spent money and 2 months to recover them. Aside from that, I easily forget the “down”s, cause there is no benefit to me to store those experiences in my brain when I can fill my brain up with the “up”s and the future “double ups” and “triple up” haha

TereZa Body -  iMoveiLive Online Music Magazine

Are models nice people? Just asking because we always hear some not so flattering stories? I bet your one of the nice one though…Lol

I have met both nice and not so nice models…But even the not nice ones are probably nice inside cause they were once that little 3 year old kid who was loving the life and people. This city and the entertainment business can be challenging at times, and some people including models, actors, singers, etc really become jaded and unfulfilled with their lives which brings the worst side out of them. I personally treat everyone the same, I stay away from judging people, and taking things personal.
If you made it to your dreams what would you do to give back to other models?
I would give them opportunities:)
At this magazine we feel that women are the driving force behind most strong lyrics in music, and  thus the reason why most trends in music are created? Do you agree and why?
I agree, because most of the songs are either about love or hate, and there is usually a woman involved.
TereZa Hakobyan - iMoveiLive Online Music Magazine 4What kind of music and or artist gets you in the zone before a shoot?
Hmmmmm, I’m a rock singer, but honestly when I’m modeling, Rihanna, Pussycat Dolls, and top 40 songs really get me in the zone.
What’s the funniest thing that happens to you on a shoot?

I booked a print ad for St. George University as a veterinarian and I had to pretend that I’m taking care of a giraffe. They had this metal bar which I had to lean on pretending it’s the giraffe’s leg, then I had to hold the bar and look waaaaaaay up pretending that I’m petting the geraff’s leg while I’m looking at its face with a loving smile. Also what I was wearing was just hilarious, so the whole shoot was funny, and both the production team and the clients, couldn’t stop laughing.
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Contact for work:
Charlie Winfield:
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