Working with siblings is nothing new. The Jacksons did it. The Osmonds. Hanson. It’s the norm in music and Boys On Q is no exception. Three brothers from the heart of Queens, New York – they grew up appreciating the cornucopia of styles and sounds that surrounded them and decided to mix them with their musical skills and start a band that was as much Pop as it was hip hop. Their unique take has landed them on stages all over the US, in the Caribbean and even on NBC’s America’s Got Talent.
Nathaniel, Daniel and Gabriel make up Boys On Q and while they are able to come together as a cohesive unit, they each bring something distinct to the table. Nathanial, also known as Nate, is the eldest of the trio. The middle child known as Daniel to some, but Danny Phantom to others – he also started to use his pipes at the tender age of three, but along with the music, his has dived into the world of modeling. His looks even landed him in The New York Times in June 2015 as one of their favorite styles of fashion. The youngest of the three, Gabriel, is the backbone of the band as the drummer holding up the rear of the stage. He said of taking on the drums, “ I quickly realized that all of their lyrics and keyboard playing would mean nothing if there was no beat to accompany their songs – so I started to play the drums.”
Talent is definitely genetic when it comes to this bunch, and their skills have landed them high praise since their musical conception. The Village Voice said, “These kids are so excited that their set is guaranteed to inject a little youthful energy into Saturday’s crowd.” They said that while Hive Society noted they’re “The next generation in music!” Boys On Q have taken on America’s Got Talent, performed in paradise, won Afropunk Battle of the Bands last year and on top of that have continued to stay on the rise.
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