ENT News: 2Pac is back, Biopic coming soon!

repby Michael Palmer
We have seen this numerous times, headlines that the 2pac bio pic will be on its way soon and or next year, or whatever. The problem is that all those times before it has been false. There have been numerous problems why this has not occurred but I think with all the information I have seen, the movie is on its way for real this time.
According to the Playlist, there were various start dates also mentioned for a biopic about late rapper Tupac Shakur, and while that project vanished from sight, Fuqua claims the project is fully funded, but still suffering from script complications. “It was announced too soon,” Fuqua lamented. “I have a deal for Tupac, but the script is not there yet, and its being worked on. Somehow someone started talking about it, it got out there and went crazy, but it was always a situation of, let’s make sure we have a great script, and get it right.” When asked what the story would deal with, Fuqua promises a focus on, “the last few days, that trip from LA to Vegas, and where his head was during that journey.”
However according to Revolt TV new life was breath into the project with the new financing from Emmett/Furla/Oasis Films—a production company run by Randall Emmett and George Furla, recently re-named after an investment from Dubai-based Oasis Films—which is now set to co-produce and co-finance the film. Emmett/Furla/Oasis’ recent productions include 2 Guns and Escape Plan. 
The movie is reportedly set to begin filming in Feb 2014 with a budget of 45 million. The script is said to be almost completed but there has not been any cast announcements. Will they be looking for a upstart actor like they did for The Notorious BIG’s film and or will we be seeing a familiar face? In 2011, Atlanta rapper Souja Boi was linked to the role and even made a Mixtape doing pictures like 2 Pac.
I for one am very happy that someone has stepped up to the plate. Biopic’s are not really the cash cow, but with the significance role 2Pac played in music I am sure to think this will be a big one.

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