@derricgobournej Bringing Back New Jack Swing

18 year old Derric Gobourne Jr. is bringing back New Jack Swing with his new single, ” From the Outside For Supremacy.” This is a nice change in music as everything is starting to run together. Check out the song, I think this could be a hit.
Why did you select this song as your current single?
Well I wanted the first single to really represent the album’s sound, and that’s exactly what “From the Outside” does. It’s the perfect first single. It makes you wanna dance, the beat is great, the lyrics are catchy. It’s an all around fun song that really sticks to you.
How does this single relate to the rest of the Album, EP or Mix-tape?
Well without giving away too much, it’s basically a New Jack Swing album of course. That’s the type of music I do. But it’s not just New Jack Swing, there’s also funk, rock, and house all with an early 90’s feel.
What was the writing process for the song?
Well I myself didn’t write the song. It was a song originally written for Bobby Brown in 1990 from an unreleased album.
 What does this song’s lyric mean to you?
To me, the song is about how people already have an opinion about you, but have never met you. They think they already know based off of judgment or what they might’ve heard, but they have no clue, of who the REAL you is. I deal with this a lot, because there are so many different sides of me and everybody tries to put me in a box based on a part of me that they think they know.
What would it be like to see you in person performing this song?
Well my biggest inspirations are Michael Jackson, Bobby Brown, Mc Hammer and Janet Jackson. So that kind of gives you a little insight of what you would be looking at on stage. Flashy costumes, high energy, lots of dancing, just PURE entertainment.
Could your fans summarize who you are as an artist by this song?
Possibly. If you wanna categorize me, then yes I am a New Jack Swing artist. But I don’t wanna just be known for that. Because I’ way more than just that. I’m not limited to New Jack Swing.
Is there a video planned and or completed and if so, what was the idea behind the video?
Yes a video is in the work but, I can’t say much about it. Just know it’s gonna be dope
One last question, what is your motivation behind your music?
It’s hard to say. I don’t do music just to be seen or heard. I’m not a brand. I’m an artist. When I record an album, it’s because I have something to say. I’ve been working on this album for three years now because I’m constantly evolving as a human being. If anything, it would be my fans. The support system I do have is very loyal. They love everything I do no matter what. But I never take that for granted.
When I’m creating I’m constantly thinking of how to make the record as exciting as possible for the listener. It is an obligation for me that they enjoy the music I make for them. I just hope that I can bring together more people together through my music with my message of love. That’s why I call it peacock music. Because if you see footage of my concerts and performances, we bring all the races together. All different colors coming together to make something beautiful. Just like the peacock.

Social Media:
Facebook: Derric Gobourne Jr.
Twitter: derricgobournej
Instagram: @derricgobournejr

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