Dakú Lights is not Over

Check out this great interview with the Dakú Lights about their single, “Over” off of their EP entitled, “Illumiiinate.”
​​Why did you select this song as your current single?
We decided to pick our original song ‘Over’ as our current single due to the power, strength and catchy nature of the song. We believe that people will not only dance to this song but will consistently have it ringing in the back of their minds. In addition we’ve had a lot of positive feedback about this song and are able to foresee it having the potential to do really well in the charts.
How does this single relate to the rest of the Album, EP or Mix-tape?
Our entire EP starts with our song entitled ‘Over’ which can be seen as ironic; however this was purposely done in order to make people more intrigued with our music given the irony that’s associated with it. We feel as though this song in particular really makes a statement about an individuals feelings and this ties in nicely with the rest of our EP as all songs are based on our thoughts feelings at different points of time when we were in different emotional states of mind.
What was the writing process for the song?
For the writing process behind Over, we realised that it’s crucial for people in the industry to support one another and, as an up and coming band, we decided to get our friend Janethan, a Manchester based musician involved in the development of one of our songs. He’s acted as an unofficial mentor for our member Panda in the past and we believed that a collaboration would have been effective for both our careers. We were not left disappointed with the final production of Over and it’s really become an integral part of our EP. We have produced and written all other songs on our EP ‘Illumiiinate’ but we just wanted to include a friend as well.
What does this song’s lyric mean to you?
The lyrics simply make a statement that it’s time to move on from the past and that there is no going back. It focusses on qualities of inner strength, power and freedom, qualities of which all members of the band regard as highly important.
What would it be like to see you in person performing this song?
It would be an electrifying performance full of sass, attitude and sheer determination. We really feel as though we would hit an audience hard with our song and make them feel the same emotions as us.
Could your fans summarize who you are as an artist by this song?
We certainly think our fans could summarize us up by listening to ‘Over’ as it really displays the attitude that we want to come across in our songs, but we feel that ‘Over’ is just a piece of our overall jigsaw because our sound is very eclectic. We think ‘Over’ is a great opening taster to the rest of our sound.
Is there a video planned and or completed and if so, what was the idea behind the video?
There are plans for a music video, we are hoping to be filming one over the next month, as well as a video for our second single. We’re just looking for the right people to work with; we’re perfectionists so we always want the best possible team for that project in particular because we always want to provide our growing fan base with the best quality material that we can.
One last question, what is your motivation behind your music?
Our motivation behind our music is simply to reach as many people as we can;we think our music is niche enough that it can still be considered credible but remains mainstream enough that the wider public could enjoy it. We write and produce our own music and we really think that our songs and their lyrics are relatable. All we want is to keep making music that people enjoy, whether that is 5 million people or just 1, although we would obviously prefer it to be in the millions!

Social Media: 
Twitter – https://twitter.com/Daku_Lights
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Dak%C3%BA-Lights-1825181564391962/?hc_ref=SEARCH
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_LrmJzImO48EZN9p9TSwNw
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/daku-lights/sets/illumiiinate

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