Corlioni’s” Destiny” might be one of the best dance base genre music we have placed on our site. check out the creation of this soon to be hit and get to know Corlioni a bit in the interview below.
Why did you select this song as your current single?
I actually release all my tracks as singles, I don’t believe in filler songs and if one of my tracks is not good enough to be a single it does not get released. I can remember years ago that I would often buy albums only to find I only liked two or three of the tracks on the list, the rest were just fillers. Destiny was simply the next track I had completed; it was next in line so it got released.
Did you mix the track yourself?
In the case of Destiny it was actually mixed by Austin Leeds, Austin has worked with artists such as Avicii and Paul Van Dyk. I have worked with Austin before so knew the end result would be a good one.
What was the writing process for the song?
Firstly I produced a “basic framework”, I then I recorded a guide vocal for the vocalist. she then chose her key and I adjusted the track to that, then we recorded her vocals and I built up the remainder of the track around her. Once I had created my own basic mix it was sent to Austin in Miami, he then worked his magic and the track was completed.
What does this song’s lyric mean to you?
Lol I hate explaining lyrics and prefer the listeners to interpret my tracks for themselves, in the case of Destiny it is about a Dreamer telling the guy how great they will be together, she is trying to tell the guy they are destined to be together and how good their life would be.
What would it be like to see you in person performing this song?
Being a Dance Producer/Artist I suspect I would rely heavily on a hi-tech stage production, I love great lighting and all the effects they use at the big festivals. Due to the nature of my songs I am sure the audience would have a great time, I always include a touch of tropical in my songs and that always makes for a great party atmosphere.
Could your fans summarize who you are as an artist by this song?
Yes absolutely, I love melody and that is an ingredient in all my songs, to me melody is king and that will always be a part of my act. So to summarize, I am melody meets the party.
What was the idea behind the video?
The video shows how destiny can lead two people together for a whole bunch of different reasons, in the case of our video the Castaway and Mermaid are indeed thrown together. It shows though that destiny can have an unexpected ending and it may not be the ending you would like.
One last question, what is your motivation behind your music?
Quite simply I love writing music and always feel a thrill when I have completed a track, to me the production process is absolutely mystical and I love every second of it. I am always blown away by the fact that we can create something out of nothing, before a song is written there is silence. After it is composed, there is sound. And hopefully that sound is an enjoyable sound.

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