Album Walk: Cait Cuneo – Pittsburgh, PA

Behind ever album there is a story. These stories make the album worth so much more to the artist. For this reason when a bad review is written it’s hard for the artist to understand why. Because of this we have created an interview format that will take the artist through the each story that brought them to the completion of the album.  The goal is to help bring the artist’s fan closer to the artist and hopefully help to make the fan feel the same as the artist when the album succeeds and or fails.  Each question is designed to help bring the fans to understand why.
Take us back to the beginning of the album and give us the reason why you started writing this album?
I started writing “Violet”, my first album, about one year ago.  I released the album this past December and it has been a celebrated process. The reason for making the album was to finally voice my music that defines me. I had a message I felt that needed to be heard. This is the first time my original music is tangible and accessible for anyone to take a listen. I feel so blessed because I am my music.
What was the first song that was written for this album and did it make the final cut. If it did and or did not make the album please explain why?
The first song written on the album is my single “Truth”. The song really came into its own in the studio. As soon as we heard the first mix of the song we concluded that was going to be it! That was going to be the first song to be released.

Tell us about how the first melody for the album was created? What brought the idea? Was it a drum hit, was it a synth? What brought it to your mind?
The single came to me after listening to influential artists that have recently embraced my ears. Being exposed to these new sounds has really been the light that has opened up a part of my creative self.
Please let us know when and how the overall concept of the album came about?
The album came to life because it is a tribute to my late Grandmother Violet. I channeled her strength and heart to complete the album and made sure to do her name justice. The concept of this album is strength, power, and drive. Especially being a young woman I was coming into my own. I wanted to share the fight and struggle to reach my dreams.

Are there any funny stories that occurred when this album was being written?
One of the joys of doing this record was sharing this moment with my brother. He’s the one that causes most of my laughter because he has to deal with his sister, a girl on the road.  So it was over 100 degrees when we were recording, and I was just melting. We stayed somewhere with no a.c and it was pretty miserable but what got me through it was joking around with my brother.  He made sure I was always smiling.
What were some of the hardest parts in creating this album, from writing the lyrics to selecting the studio to record?
There were a few struggles recording the album. We really wanted to let our expenses got into the album not our living state and comfort, so it was a bit of a challenge. But I have such an amazing support system in the city including friends and production team. So I am endlessly grateful of them. So they make each hick up better and forgotten. When it came to the music I had such incredible musicians and producer with incredible spirits that it made the recording process a positive one. I really loved the experience in its entirety.
What song means to the most and why does it mean the most?
The song that impacts me the most would be “Violet”. It is the song that is titled after the record and radiates the strength and heart I wanted to broadcast to my listeners. “I’ve got those violet rays no one stand in my way.” I mean those lyrics with every inch of my being and I want my listeners to as well.

What was the story behind the artwork?
My incredibly talented brother, Vince Cuneo, created the artwork for my album. He wears many hats in my project. The photos on the album were from a photo-shoot I did with the gifted photographer Joey Kennedy. We really wanted to go for a classic vibe with an edge. Something powerful and unique, and I think my team captured that.
How was the first single selected and why was it selected? Did you flip a coin, did management tell you to pick it?
I first believed “Violet” was going to be the single but after we heard the mix of “Truth” through the speakers we all knew. This is the single. I remember the producer of Gallery Recording Studios Brian Forbes said, “If you want people to know who you are and make a statement this is what you want to put out there.”. It was then unanimous.
What were some of the thoughts going through your mind when selecting the order each song would play?
The order of the songs was decided between my brother and I. We thought about the sequencing of the songs a great deal. There were a few ideas but after we recorded the songs we knew. “Violet” was what we wanted the listeners to hear first and the end of “Too Slow” to be the last.

What was the first though when the album was completed and you listen to it all the way through?
My first thought when I heard the album for the first time in its entirety was, “Can I play it again”? I am very proud of the album and so happy with the outcome. I still love singing and performing every song. Each lyric and melody means the world to me.
What were your thoughts when you got the first review?
For the most part I have been receiving extremely supportive and beautiful reviews. I love getting comments from critics because it helps me grow as a writer and an artist. I open myself up to any ideas or opinions. The greatest thing to know that this is only the beginning. This is my first album, can’t wait until my tenth or twentieth.  I can’t wait to share my growth on the path to my dreams. I won’t take a moment of this journey for granted. Cherish the day.

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