Artist: Northern Whale
Album Title: Reckless
Album Reviewer: Michael Palmer
iMoveiLive Rating: 3 out of 5
For the last year, we have been a fan of the Northern Whale band. This can be seen by the simple number of features we have done on the band. Last year, we had a chance to meet the four band members and found out that they just love music and are having fun doing what they love. We also found out that this band is on a mission to make a name for themselves and doing everything in their power to do so.
Northern Whale recently released a new EP called, “Reckless”. Reckless is an improvement from their first effort that we reviewed. The title track, “Reckless” shows an improvement in their writing. The track is much more emotional from other tracks we have heard from them. The “only thing you will not be wasting” is your time when you listen to this track.
Overall, the CD is meant for a younger audience but I believe that an older audience can find some emotion when they actually listen to the lyrics. I am a big fan of the track, “Hood Rat”. It is upbeat and gets you on the dance floor but it does not start that way, so hold on when listening. I think it would be the best track to see them perform from this EP. You can hear the improvement in the rifts, instrument selection and drum loops. In light of this, we give them a 3 out of 5 iMoveiLive approval. This is an improvement but I still think the best is yet to come from them. They have talent just need a little more work.