Album Review: Misplaced, Not Lost by @DecemberBand – Texas/North Carolina

December-Misplaced, Not Lost Album Cover 700x700
Album: Misplaced, Not Lost
Band: December
Reviewer: Jaysen Gold
iMoveiLive Rating: 5 out of 5
iMoveiLive Rating 5
Hybrid would have also been a fitting band name for the new duo December.  Chuck Conser and John Holt have been brothers in music for years, but it wasn’t until this year that they were able to put together an album of all original co-written material.  The pair’s first release features six tracks written through the use of video conferencing, file sharing and home recording.  Misplaced, Not Lost certainly does not sound like it was recorded in a basement, rather it sounds like it’s been put together under the roof of a major label.
The six song set opens with “Luckiest Thing,” a lighthearted number laced with brother-like harmonies and a “ready for radio” chorus.  “Luckiest Thing” sets the stage for the type of instrumental production you’ll find on the album as well, which can be summed up using one word…flawless.  Everything from the lyrics, to the production, to the album artwork is absolutely top notch.
Even the guest artists who appear on the album are extremely talented.  Take Bryanna Spicer for instance who lends her vocals to the heart wrenching “The Words.”  Often times it’s hard for men to adequately explain how deeply they feel for a particular woman, this well written duet encompasses that whole thought process.  Bryanna gives the song a semi-country vibe by the way, which was a nice little surprise for this country boy.
Tom Petty vocals, Goo Goo Dolls type harmony, Fountains of Wayne type orchestration with a little Blink 182 and Miranda Lambert (in the case of “The Words”) all had a hand in this album’s perfect iMoveiLive rating.  You can find out more about December by visiting their website, decemberthemusic.comMisplaced, Not Lost is available for purchase at your favorite online retailer, or you can stream it at Spotify.

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