Album: All This Time
Artist: Carla Bianco
Reviewer: Jaysen Gold
iMoveiLive Rating: 3 out of 5
New York, Los Angeles and Pittsburgh meet on “All This Time,” the first full length release from Carla Bianco. A New York University graduate, Carla has two top ten Billboard Dance singles to her credit (one of which went number one), several Broadway musicals under her belt and enough dance know how to open her very own dance school in Pittsburgh (the Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School to be exact). Disney even took notice of Carla when they decided to workshop a musical that she penned called Kaleidoscope. What’s left for Carla? A full length album.
All This Time boasts 14 tracks that showcase Carla’s deep alto, Madonna esque vocal. “Words are in the Way,” is an upbeat Sara Bareilles type tune that kicks the album off. The song, like most of the mid to uptempo songs on the album manage to show lyrical depth while remaining lighthearted melodically. The album concludes with its most powerful contribution, “Can’t Call You Love Anymore.” In the song, the main character is coming to grips with the fact that the man she loved no longer loves her. Carla showcases her vocal range and ability to sing a story in the album’s finale tune.
This compilation, though very well produced, performed and written, only gets an iMoveiLive rating of 3 out of 5 because of the number of slow songs. If the album had a little more kickin’ tracks like “Words Are In The Way,” it most definitely would have received a higher score.
If you’d like to learn more about Carla Bianco, you can visit her website at Her album is available at all online retailers and can be streamed at Spotify.