Welcome to our show, where we cover one of our featured Artist AT Work. This episode we interview Independent Artist The Hawkeyes as they perform in front of a pack crowd during there tour stop in Pittsburgh, PA. Social Media: @imoveilive Facebook.com/imoveiliveonlinemusicmagazine @thehawkeyes Facebook.com/thehawkeyesband Favorite
As seen on on iMoveiLive Partner site www.musicclout.com. make sure to check out our contest. “Who the fart are still buying CDs? It’s 2013, not 1993! Who would want the square-ish bulky thing with only 12-16 tracks when there’s the no-weight, no –mass (and some no-cost) digital music? Let’s...
By Dale Y the Green Guy Indie bands and experimental music are all the rage right now. Bands like Toro Y Moi, The Shins, Metz and Bat for Lashes, just to name a few, are hugely popular among Indie fans. At one time they were referred to as “alternative,”...
We dont typically post without artist comment but we had to with this one. Great song!!! A new song from Pittsburgh rising Hip Hop star, June called steel city Favorite
A quick interview with Mike Short Jr. a fast rising country music star. This interview also features Jaysen Gold of iMoveiLive Nashville. Social Media: http://www.mikeshortjr.com http://www.facebook.com/mikeshortjrandstatewide @mikeshortjr Favorite
As seen on Sonicbids.com By Panos Panay Over the past few months, I have been asked more and more frequently to speak about social music marketing. I’ve had the pleasure of facilitating some really interesting (and fun) panels at a number of music industry events of late. Below is...
by: Dale the Green Guy Divas, yes we have divas. Madonna may be the diva to end all divas, but let’s not forget Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Rihanna, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Brittany and the list can go on and on and on. No one will doubt any of these...
ARTIST BIO: Country singer, songwriter and performer Mike Short Jr., 22, was raised in the small town of Ottsville, Pennsylvania. He will be the first to tell you that his most influential and memorable experiences are grounded in the quaint town on Hoopers Island, Maryland, where he truly began...
iMoveiLive is currently planning a concert series for two of Pittsburgh’s fastest rising stars. To make this series of concert as success as possible, marketing is one of the biggest aspects. Please read below about how to help the growth of your tour through proper social media marketing. The...
by: Dane Blum There are way too many articles that have been posted on the internet for years on how illegal music downloads are killing the music industry at the expense of starving artists. Although there are still many new bands that attempt their luck and talents starting...